Kontakt z nami

An industrial control panel features several large round dials with numbers and needle indicators. Adjacent are colored buttons, including bright red and green. The panel sits above a flat textured surface, and a row of rounded knobs is aligned at the bottom, all against a yellow background.
An industrial control panel features several large round dials with numbers and needle indicators. Adjacent are colored buttons, including bright red and green. The panel sits above a flat textured surface, and a row of rounded knobs is aligned at the bottom, all against a yellow background.

Skontaktuj się z nami, aby omówić projektowanie automatyki przemysłowej i programowanie systemów.


Zapraszamy do kontaktu z naszą firmą integratorską automatyki przemysłowej. Oferujemy kompleksowe usługi w zakresie automatyzacji procesów.


ul. Tysiąclecia 88, Katowice


Pon-Pt: 9-17